Monday, December 8, 2008

Life is busy....

So, life is getting busy around the Ramsey house. This is a very busy time for Greg and sickness is on the rise at CAPC, as well. We did get our tree up, with the help of my mom. We seem to be decorating less and less the past few years. Too much to get out and too much to put up I guess.
The boys are both doing Christmas parties and songs at school and church. For example, Chase is at this very moment attempting to sing the 12 days of Christmas. He knows about 3 verses, the rest he just makes up. Chase sang in church last week, with the kindergarden choir class. I was standing up, and few heads were in the way, but I added the best group shot I got.

Chase and I are going to the Christmas Tree Farm on Friday with Mrs. Ward and the rest of the Kindergarden classes....I am not sure how I feel about it yet. But we will see.

Dawson is learning about Christmas around the world in second grade, and he seems to be enjoying it. He is liking a CD we have that is like Kids Bop Christmas, or something like that....He will only sing the car, when he thinks no one is listening.

One of the big issues around our house right now is trying to get a Christmas picture for a card. Last year I did not even sent out cards because I was exhausted just trying and got NOTHING worth printing. I have a little trick this year and hopefully tomorrow, I will be on my way to Walmart to print a card.

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